743-745 Massacusetts Avenue
Arlington, Massachusetts
August, 2001

Before Photos, taken August 13, 2001:
(click on photo for larger image)

Site preparation began on August 20, 2001 with the removal of vegetation on the west side of the building (first photo) followed by four photos taken on August 22, the first day of destruction. Note the little Bobcat in the second photo is named EDIFICE WRECKS, for the Edifice Wrecks Destruction Company, the demolition contractor.

(click on photo for larger image)
The following five photos were taken on August 23, the second day of destruction. On the fourth photo you can look in the former garage door to see the demolition equipment at work inside the building.
By 9:00 on August 24, the third day of destruction, Old Bile was mostly a memory. Check out the kids standing next to the letters ME on the sidewalk (fourth row, first column). You now have a brand new view of the neighboring St. Athanasius Greek Orthodox Church (second row, second column). Now, for the first time, you can see the Turkey Hill water tank from Massachusetts Avenue inArlington Center (look under the crane in the photo, third row, third column).


For additional Old Bile demolition photos, please visit Nick Caruso's cheesey web page of photos of the deconstruction of Old Bile, Arlington, MA.

Paul Schlichtman's proposed use for the Old Bile site:

The OLD BILE property is owned by

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Updated August 24, 2001